Bon Voyage, Sifers!

SIFE World Cup is set to be held in Berlin, Germany this 4th October 2009. We might not be qualified to compete in the World Cup, but we still send our respective Sifers as observer there, so they will be able to gain knowledge and experience for the sake of our club.

6 Sifers - 3 from Putrajaya campus and 3 from Muadzam campus, plus Advisor Miss Vathana and husband - fled to Berlin on Wednesday, 30th September 2009. There will be going for about 2 weeks and hopefully they will come back with bags full of knowledge and wisdom for us here.

Bon Voyage! Hope they'll find their way home safely and not forgetting that their final exam is coming up! ^___^ (same goes to you guys, too!)

* * * * *

Well, this year is Berlin, and next year's gonna be Los Angeles. Hopefully we can send more people to World Cup next year...

No, wait! Let's change the wish.

Hope that we ARE THE ONE who will be competing in the next World Cup. Amen~

Sifers, fighting!!!!!

- For info regarding our Sife Shell Competition 2009, please click -here-
- For info regarding Sife World Cup, click -here-

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